Packaging Première & PCD Milan: discovering digital art

Packaging Première and PCD Milan entrust each edition to a different creative interpretation, allowing exploration and appreciation of the multiple facets of an industry, enriching the visitor experience, and stimulating inspiration and innovation—fundamental elements in the world of packaging.

In 2024, Packaging Première and PCD Milan have opened their doors to digital art, making it interactive and engaging through collaboration with the artist Vincenzo Marsiglia, known for his emblematic installations featuring a four-pointed star, reminiscent of geometric abstraction, minimalism, and optical art. For Packaging Première and PCD Milan, Vincenzo Marsiglia has developed a unique multisensory experience titled “Emotional Immersion Star,” engaging visitors from the moment they enter the hall: illusions and optical effects move to the rhythm of electronic and experimental music by Ocrasunset, engaging in an open dialogue closely related to each other, complementing one another, while being enveloped by an environment fragrance with a disruptive soul developed by students from the Italian Institute of Perfumery and created by CFF Creative Flavours & Fragrances. The multisensoriality of the experience is complemented by the tasting of a dessert exclusively designed by the internationally renowned pastry chef Gianluca Fusto, inspired by the fragrance.

The experience continues for visitors in the Encrypted World, the exclusive Art Gallery dedicated this year to the most deserving digital art works by students from the Aldo Galli Academy of Fine Arts – IED of Como and the SantaGiulia Academy of Fine Arts in Brescia, where Vincenzo Marsiglia is a lecturer. The works of the following artists will be exhibited: Emanuele Andreis, Elisa Pistoni, Anna Carola, Alexa Baldessari, Elisa Benini, Bruna Stefania Benzoni, Davide Bertelè, Elisa Besozzi, Carlotta Bontempi, Stefania Borroni, Martina Cardillo, Laura Combini, Nicola Crescini, Giorgia Gironi, Sophie Glisenti, Mariasole Gnutti, Giulia Laurenzi, Michele Maghini, Andrea Olgiati, Milena Pagliari, Marco Quinzanini, Paolo Rampulla, Federica Rovere, Francesco Salvi, Chiara Sandrini, Alice Scaglia, Nicole Tassani, Angelica Zamblera.

The works, the result of the most authentic personal creativity without a designated theme beforehand, will be displayed on vertical screens and enhanced by a special setup aimed at creating an immersive effect with the flooring and walls. Each work has been transformed into an NFT and entered the world of crypto—thanks to collaboration with the Italian platform Openverse—and will compose the catalog titled “Academic Visions,” viewable via a QR code allowing visitors to purchase the NFTs. Openverse comes to life thanks to Massimo Bonecchi, the driving force behind the creation of this new digital world, and Davide Sarchioni, an art curator responsible for the artistic selection of works on the platform.

Inside the Art Gallery, a space will be dedicated to the international project “Shaping The Future,” co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Union, aimed at promoting the ability of young artists and designers to imagine and shape the future through visual arts, design, and critical thinking. The Aldo Galli Academy of Fine Arts in Como is a partner in the initiative, along with MOME University in Budapest, the non-profit association Ljudmila Society in Ljubljana, and CityFab1, a FabLab founded five years ago in Brussels. At Packaging Première, the digital works of the four talented Italian artists who participated in the project will be exhibited: Samuel Hernandez De Luca, Fortuna De Nardo, Fabiola Porchi, and Ettore Zonzini.

How AI Sees Us by Ettore Zonzini

The art project How AI sees Us questions the implications that can emerge when artificial intelligence enters areas that are considered strictly our own, such as emotions.
Every image generated by artificial intelligence stems from reworking others that already exist, originally created by human beings and designed to be seen by other human beings. The result offers an unprecedented possibility, that of peering inside the collective self-perception that humans have of themselves.

Ombre by Fabiola Porchi

The photo shows a group of abandoned, discarded chicken beaks. They are 3D-printed beaks, their shape designed to make the animal efficient and productive. Their arrangement on the surface follows an unnatural regularity, symbolising their objectified use by industry. The work reflects on the impact of human intervention on farm animals, highlighting the distinctions between body and object, life and efficiency.

Rituals of Renewal by Fortuna De Nardo

The cracks and marks imprinted in the stone of the Morticelli Church tell past stories with a timeless depth. Far from being mere signs of destruction, these scars represent an intricate web of memories and experiences. Through them, the church not only bears witness to the passage of years, but also tells its own story of transformation. From a past of desolation emerges a present of rebirth, conveying a message of hope to the community that inhabits it.

You, Yourself and AI or: Narcissus by Samuel Hernandez De Luca

You, Yourself and AI or: Narcissus is a live IMG2IMG generator that draws parallels between the human fascination with artificial intelligence and the myth of Narcissus. Through real-time interaction, the user can explore concerns related to artificial intelligence. The project aims to provoke meaningful reflections on the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in art and society.

“We curate the Art Gallery with passion and attention, a true prologue to the exhibition journey, transporting visitors on a voyage through the world of art and design. A testament to boundless creativity and innovation, much like packaging, this year the Art Gallery explores the compelling theme of digital art, offering a glimpse into the future,” says Pier Paolo Ponchia, Founder and Director of Packaging Première.

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The latest news from Packaging Première e PCD Milan