Encouraging a transition to ‘positive luxury’ packaging 

The luxury packaging market is expected to reach a value of $24.2billion by 2032, a growth rate of 4.4% and one of the key drivers is sustainability.  

Sustainable luxury packaging should embody the fusion of luxury values – such as craft, quality, creativity and innovation – with a deep and authentic care for people and nature.  

It is time to encourage a transition to this ‘positive luxury’ – away from traditional packaging materials towards innovative, sustainable alternatives which still exude the values of luxury that today’s consumer expect from a brand.  

Photo credit: Positive Luxury


Many see sustainability as materials alone, or just carbon emissions.  However, sustainability is so much more wide-reaching – and the packaging industry has many opportunities to explore beyond materials – from circularity to local communities. When a supplier and brand work more closely together, the potential for positive impact is amplified. 


Materials and circularity are interlinked. The packaging market is flooded with more sustainable alternatives such as bamboo, hemp or cotton. These can help reduce the environmental impact of luxury products, provided they are produced to high standards, but there is so much more potential – such as supporting local communities. An example of this is Butterfly Mark certified premium tequila producer Clase Azul Mexico who work with local artisans to transform the diverse cultural expressions onto its decanters and offer a reduce, reuse, recycle and repurpose initiative for their ceramic bottles – recycling more than 3,600 tonnes of Ceramic Waste to date 


Circularity has long been associated with sustainability and this is no different in the packaging sector. But luxury brands must lead the way by embracing innovations such as design technologies to further their sustainability credentials.  Packaging designers are leveraging cutting-edge technologies to develop bioplastic derived from plant-based sources e.g. corn starch or sugarcane which reduces packaging waste that would otherwise typically end up in landfills or oceans. For example Swiss watch brand ID Geneve’s pouches are made from wine residue, home-compostable protective foam made with renewable mycelium, and seaweed-based boxes that will dissolve in water within hours and can then be used as plant fertiliser.  


Let’s not forget that the design process itself can contribute to the minimisation of waste by using digital technologies with many brands favouring a less is more approach. This may sound contradictory for luxury brands, but the use of personalisation and interactivity are just a couple of ways that a luxury unboxing experience for the consumer can be achieved without excess packaging.  


Interactive packaging is an opportunity for brands to engage, communicate and build a long-lasting relationships directly with their consumers through QR code to NFC tags. These are not new technologies to the industry but the increasing use in packaging allows brands to be transparent about their sustainability credentials –fostering trust and loyalty with the conscious consumers.  


While sustainable packaging may initially require an increased financial investment, the long-term benefits from waste management and reduced consumption result in enhanced consumer loyalty and brand perception. This can also be a competitive advantage – tomorrow’s luxury consumer values the experience and values of a brand as much as the material. Aligning to the values of the younger consumer – who will make up 80% of luxury purchases by 2030, is key.   


Sustainable luxury packaging can celebrate the traditional values of luxury whilst having less impact on the environment and a positive impact on people. With a growing shift towards conscious consumerism, luxury brands must be brave, embrace innovation and invest in sustainable packaging to capitalise on the opportunity to transform luxury for the good of all.  

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